Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Austria for 6 days

 The Austrian countryside.  It was pristine beyond imagination.
 Full moon through the trees in Vienna.  It changed from this brilliant white to a coral color in minutes.
 A view of the Museum of Natural History.  Most of the buildings look like this!!
 The Schonbrunnen Palace, where the emperors from Maximillian's time lived.  It is where Marie Antoinette was born.  Another of the daughters married Napoleon.  Only one daughter (out of 16 children) was allowed to marry whom she wanted to marry--she was her mother's favorite.  all others were married to cement political alliances.
 Neptune's Fountain on the estate of the Palace.  It is also the site of the oldest zoo in the world.  I guess I don't have to tell you who the white haired one is...
The palace as seen from the Fountain.  I don't know the acreage, but I do know it is huge and filled with various gardens, the zoo, fountains, and, of course, the mandatory gift shop!!  Found in every notable site everywhere.  Possibly the one commonality among all countries...

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